Monday, September 23, 2013

Lith from Djupovic

The first image is of a boat that hasn't seen the water for many decades.  The second two are from the inside of the herring factory.  I only have a few sheets left of the old Fomatone this was printed on, but they all seemed deserving.  I wish I had enough paper to do all the herring factory images!

Another from Eyri við Ingólfsfjörð

More from this fantastic "new" location far up in the eastern part of the west fjords region, Eyri við Ingólfsfjörð

Some Work on Film

Some of my film from the trip. I'm always happy to get at least a couple from each trip I consider "Keepers" and this one proved fruitful with the addition of the new scenery at Eyri við Ingólfsfjörð.