Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Lith from Djupovic

The first image is of a boat that hasn't seen the water for many decades.  The second two are from the inside of the herring factory.  I only have a few sheets left of the old Fomatone this was printed on, but they all seemed deserving.  I wish I had enough paper to do all the herring factory images!

Another from Eyri við Ingólfsfjörð

More from this fantastic "new" location far up in the eastern part of the west fjords region, Eyri við Ingólfsfjörð

Some Work on Film

Some of my film from the trip. I'm always happy to get at least a couple from each trip I consider "Keepers" and this one proved fruitful with the addition of the new scenery at Eyri við Ingólfsfjörð.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Northern Lights Loop

Now back at home, developing film and having fun putting the trip video together. I came across the stills I made in Djupavik on the 5th and assembled them into a rough animation loop. Although not the best animation, it will give you an idea of how they dance around the sky.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Unbelievable Lights Tonight!

The sky really gave it up tonight. Perhaps the most incredible display of Northern Lights I have ever seen. At times they were so bright, it was frightening. Imagine a rainbow at night. It was fleeting and worth every minute. Hope you enjoy!! Time for sleep... if I can. Very exciting.

Herring Steam Punk

Djupavik and Lights... Found Some, But Still Hoping

The lights gave a good try, but they never really materialized last night. Djupavik is the perfect place for viewing and and there are reportedly solar winds on the way that are supposed to hit the planet on the 5th and 6th. That's tonight and tomorrow and we will still be here for both. There's not a cloud in the sky tonight and we have high hopes they'll hit tonight. If ever looking for the forecast, check out www.spaceweather.com and look for the current Auroral Oval.

Velveteen Herring Factory

Nicely preserved....

Old man of the sea

Djúpavík - In Search of Northern Lights

Not a lot here (though barely visible in the middle)
but the night sky was beautiful regardless

Freyja and David

Freyja is a dear border collie who greats new acquaintances like old friends